Don’t Grumble, Be Humble

No Grumble, Be Humble” That saying is a very popular bumper sticker here in Hawaii proudly displayed by an apparent “humble” Christian. However with the many worldly entertainment filled congregations throughout the state, and the openly sinning and disobedient professing Christians, it makes me wonder if we truly understand what “humbleness” really is?

Before I was saved I’ve witness many people who professed themselves to be Christian, transform into meek, soft-spoken, humble people, but when it came to “sin” and “false-doctrine” they seem to always overlook it. This definitely made me question if their humility was genuine or not, however because I didn’t know better I truly thought this new “Christian behavior” was what it meant to be humble.

I now know God’s word teaches otherwise. It’s not only in the words which He spoke but through His own actions and the actions of His disciples and apostles. For example, if Jesus was meek and soft-spoken He wouldn’t have overturn the tables and drove out the money changers with a whip from the temple (Matthew 21:11-13Mark 11:14-16John 2:14-16), and He definitely wouldn’t have spoken boldly against the misleading and false teachings of the religious leaders (Matthew 23:32-34). If Peter was a soft-spoken man, he wouldn’t have took a stand against the false teachers and their destruction (2 Peter 2:1-22). Jude didn’t show any meekness when warning the church to contend for the faith against ungodly people (Jude 1:3-19)…and the Apostle Paul’s life were filled with bold claims against the pagans and false gods and teachings throughout his letters.

But just as a note: If you noticed, this hard-aggressive behavior was not against “non-Christians / un-believers” but fellow Christians, people who professed they believed yet in some form or another through words and/or action proved their superficial falsehood. It goes right along with Paul’s exhortation to the Corinthian church who love to worship and glorify God, yet because they could not “JUDGE” within their own church and among other Christians, Paul said their glory was “no good!” (1 Cor. 5:6) then corrected them for their wrongdoing saying: “For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges.” (1 Cor. 5:12)

It seems according to what we read in the Bible, the saying “Don’t Grumble, Be Humble” wouldn’t coincide with the actions of Jesus and His Disciples for we know the people who despised their teachings definitely labelled Jesus and His followers to be grumblers, troublemakers and complainers.

Ephesians 4:2 (NIV) tells us: “…Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love…” This is very much true, however if you read the entire chapter in context, the Apostle Paul were directing this to the believers who truly followed Jesus and obeyed His Word, it was an encouragement for the “Unity” and “Maturity” of the Body of Christ.

God’s word does not teach us to be meek and soft-spoken with our own sin, the sins of the world, false teachers and false doctrines. Rather we are told to “Put To Death…” our sins (Colossians 3:5Romans 8:13), “Contend Earnestly for the faith…” (Jude 1:3), and “…exhort in sound doctrine, and REFUTE and REBUKE those who contradict it.” (Titus 1:9)

So what does this prove? It proves that outward humbleness is not always “Godly Humbleness.” We can display all types of humble behavior such as being soft-spoken, praying with a meek persona, having a submissive character to church leaders, kindness, gentleness, etc. but if we cannot humble ourselves by turning away from sin, and if we can’t make a bold stand against the sin and false teachings of the world, then unfortunately our humbleness is nothing but a false display.

So the next time you encounter someone who earnestly stands against sin, or the street Preacher who tells you to Repent!, or the Pastor who boldly proclaims truths against false teachers and doctrines, don’t be too quick and assume they are not humble, kind, gentle, or “Jesus-Like”…for more than likely the only reason why they are speaking out is simply because they have “humbled” themselves to the Word of God.

I’ll leave you with Paul’s simple yet powerful words regarding “why” he chooses to preach the gospel: “I BELIEVED, therefore I SPOKE” (2 Cor. 4:13)


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