Church-membership is No Foundation of Hope

Church-membership is no foundation of hope. We may belong to the best of Churches, and yet never belong to Christ. We may fill our pew regularly every Sunday, and hear the sermons of orthodox, ordained clergymen, and yet never hear the voice of Jesus, or follow Him. If we have nothing better than Church-membership to rest upon we are in a poor plight—we have nothing solid beneath our feet. Christ Himself is the only true foundation of a good hope.

~ J.C. Ryle

There is no doubt we should all be part of a Church-membership. However, it is the mistake of perceiving “church-membership” as our only hope to entering Heaven where the danger lies.

Within most churches we find three types of parishioners: the Sentimental, Social, and the Dependent. Though all three is different from each other, they all have one thing in commonthe belief that church-membership is fundamental for eternal life.

The Sentimental church-goer yearns every week for the up-lifting feelings and emotions that church worship and other Christians around them make them feel. This affecting experience is like a weekly power-booster that only church attendance can give them, without it they become depressed and perceive it as spiritual decay. Unfortunately some even lose their belief and return to their sinful lives, claiming without church I cannot remain a Christian.

The Social parishioner confuses God’s welcoming character with narcissism. They yearn for the attention from other church members, jump at every chance to speak up in church, and take part of anything that can be seen by everyone. Of course socializing and to fellowship with other church members should be a part of every Christian’s lifestyle, however it is when we feel uneasy and apprehensive if we don’t socializeas if our Christianity depends on how many people we can fellowship within one day.

The Dependent Christian heads out every Sunday to get as much teaching they can absorb from their Pastor. They spend absolutely no time with the Word of God throughout the week, spending most of their time involved with work, education, hobbies, and other interest. Unfortunately because they never fully depend on the Words of Christ but rather on the teachings of others they never mature in the knowledge of Christ, they can’t discern truth from false, and they grow more and more incompetent as stewards of God’s instructions.

We are blessed to be part of a church, it is a joy to see everyone worshiping the lord in one place. But I am equally blessed for the short time where our Lord removed us from church membership. Many felt this time away from church would increase our chances of sinning, rebellion, and falling-away, however for me and my family it was a time to grow closer to Christ. And from a personal standpoint, I am more closer to Christ than I ever was when I was part of a church. Fellowship with other Christians are always a blessing, however I never cease to remind my family that church is just a gathering place for other Christians and to view it anymore than that lies the dangers of “superficial religion.”

In conclusion I want to make this crystal clear…there is nothing wrong with being emotional in church, social, and yearning to listen to the Pastor speak, these things are inevitable when being part of a church family. We just need to be very careful how we perceive church-membership, for there are some who see the church doors as sanctioned and holy that contains Christ Himself, who view the Pastor as above reproach and angelic, and see the pews as mystically connected to the seats in Heaven, rather than simply a gathering place (a building) for other saints (cf. Hebrews 10:25).

It is definitely scriptural to not forsake the gathering of other Christians, but on the other hand it is not scriptural to be so caught-up with church that it literally becomes an idol to us as well (cf. Exodus 20:3-6). Let us not emulate the Rich young ruler who seemed to be very religious and followed every bit of the law yet was not willing to have a true relationship with Christ (cf. Matt. 19:16-22, Mark 10:17-30, Luke 18:18-30).

As I’ve always stated: “Having a relationship with the church is not the same thing as having a relationship with Christ“, and as J.C. Ryle pointed out, Church-membership is no foundation of hope…and as A.W. Tozer so eloquently stated: “If your Christianity depends upon a pastor’s preaching, then you’re a long way from being where you should be.”

Think About It.


Further reading: Dependency, Are You Easily Influenced?

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