
Here are a few rhetorical questions for everyone on my Facebook page (or anyone reading this)…

In college, would it be okay if your Professor only taught you certain parts of the subject you’re taking? In a 5-star elegant restaurant, would it be okay if the chef cooked your meals without the entire award-winning recipe? And when you go to the doctor, would it be okay for him to only inform you of the healthy areas of your body and not the life-threatening diseases he found while examining you? Anyone who would answer “YES” to all these questions would either not be in the right state of mind—or simply foolish.

I mean, who could ever receive their degree if the Professor refused to teach his students all the information they needed to pass that particular subject? And who would pay the hefty price of an elegant restaurant if the chef did not cook it in a way that awarded them the 5-stars in the first place? And who in their right mind would go to the doctor and say: “Tell me only the good things…I don’t want to know about the diseases in my body and I don’t want to know how to get better.”

But this is EXACTLY how worldly religious Christians, along with the degenerate unbeliever approaches the Word of God! We like the visuals (religious graphics, entertainment, big-churches, etc.) but we hate His admonitions…We love the emotions and feelings we get while in church, but we hate it when His word corrects us…We ask people to pray for us when someone is sick or going through a tough time, but we hate Doctrine and refuse to hear anything about it. (cf. John 15:18-19)

This reaction to God’s Word is living-breathing proof that the Bible is inspired by God Himself. It is the only thing on the planet that both Christian and non-Christian find difficult to embrace as a WHOLE, in its ENTIRETY, in its COMPLETENESS. Regarding everything else we WANT IT ALL and if we don’t get it we complain, refuse to pay, even file lawsuits; but when it comes to God’s Word we don’t care if we don’t have it all, just give it to us in partiality and fractional and we’re fine with it.

Even Christian leaders proclaim they will not teach anything negative from God’s Word and refuse any doctrine that would make the congregation feel uncomfortable. Ironically they LOVE to proclaim…”God is ‘not partial’, that He loves everyone,” but yet when it comes to His teachings they WANT IT PARTIAL?!! Isn’t that amazing?!?

We read in James 2:2-13 how he pointed out personal favoritism and partiality when it came to our brethren, but this also referred to how we approach the Word of God as well (v.10) Having said that, when we have a partiality method regarding the teachings and warnings of God’s Word, scripture tells us: “But if you show PARTIALITY, you are committing SIN…” (v.9)

I was going to post a lot more scripture references within this note, but because this message was intended for professing Christians, I think I’ll leave that to how Jesus responded to Nicodemus:  “You are Israel’s teacher (a professing Believer),” said Jesus, “and DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THESE THINGS?” (John 3:10)

Have a blessed day.

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