Every Knee Will Bow, Every Tongue Will Confess

“For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:9-11)

Here’s an interesting thought: Whether you’re an Atheist; Agnostic; Scientist; New Age Follower; World Religion Believer or even a “superficial” Christian who spends all their time in church, caught up with church services yet haven’t changed their lifestyle – we will all one day bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

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Casting Pearls before Swine

By GTY.org

Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. (Matthew 7:6)

In biblical times dogs were seldom kept as household pets in the way they are today. Except for those used as working animals to herd sheep, they were largely half-wild mongrels that acted as scavengers. They were dirty, greedy, snarling, and often vicious and diseased. They were dangerous and despised.

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Once Saved, Always Saved?

The idea that “once we are saved we will always be saved” has given many the assumption they can live however they please and still go to Heaven. Truth is, no matter how hard we try none of us will ever be perfect, however this DOES NOT mean we should live in continual willful sin.

Today’s lesson from gty.org gives a clear biblical explanation of this highly debated belief.

Listen to a discussion about eternal security and you’ll eventually hear this question: “Are you saying that since we’re secure as Christians, we can do whatever we want to?” It’s the “once saved, always saved” idea that says, once you are saved, you’re saved no matter how you may behave.

But the question really misunderstands the biblical teaching about our sin and God’s grace in our lives.

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Righteous Indignation


There is no doubt that the Lord’s servant should not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, and use gentleness when correcting those who are in opposition (2 Tim. 2:24-25). This is done so that those who have fallen into the snare of the devil, who have been held captive by him to do his will, may come to their senses and escape (v.26).

So the question is, was Jesus contradicting Himself when He confronted the religious hypocrites in a completely ungentle and unkind manner as we see in Matthew 23:13-36? Did He go against His own teachings when He angrily overturned tables and with a whip drove everyone out of the temple as we read in John 2:15, Matt. 21:12-13? And did Paul disobey scripture when he sternly confronted Peter to his face, correcting him in front of everyone else as seen in Galatians 2:11-14?

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A Christian’s Perspective of the “WWW”


I believe it was about 1996 or 1997 when my Pastor spoke about how the world wide web (www) stood for “666.” He pointed out that the Hebrew equivalent of our “w” is the letter “vav” or “waw” which is the numerical value of 6 making “vav vav vav” transliterated into English as “www.”

However in researching this, “www” is not what we read of in Revelation 13:18. In John’s vision the number of the beast is six hundred sixty six, not six, six, six which is Hebrew for “www.”

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

Theologically the world wide web cannot be the Beast we read of in the Book of Revelation, according to scripture 666 is the number of a man, the Antichrist – the world wide web is obviously not a man.

Nevertheless this was over 20 years ago when my Pastor mentioned this, super smart phones were not invented and there was no addiction to social media. Although the World Wide Web may not represent the Beast or the Antichrist, with today’s obsession in the internet, as Christians there are several factors we may want to consider when it comes to the World Wide Web.

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The Abandonment of Discernment

Throughout this presidential race there is no doubt the media had a strong influence with Hilary’s supporters. Whatever the media reported naive people around the country embraced as truth which has now resulted in riots and protesting all over our country. Unfortunately the fuel igniting their fire is based on popular news reports, late night comedians and celebrity’s social media posts.

Amazingly her supporters could not discern whether the media was speaking the truth, bending facts, hiding information or simply just out to defame Donald Trump. What they saw was a hateful, racist, bigot man running for Commander in Chief simply because this is what was publicized. I admit there were many things Donald Trump said in his campaign that made me cringe, but if I had to choose someone with a rough tongue over someone with a fork tongue, I would choose the latter.

That said, it is unfortunate that our country has abandoned any type of rational discernment, we now have a mentality to believe whatever is popular, whatever draws a crowd, whatever is trending – must be right. Sadly we have seen this same mindset increase within Christianity as millions refuse to embrace the Truths of God’s “Word” and would rather embrace whatever draws a crowd.

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What Is This Power?

. . . And what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead.

Ephesians 1:19-20

The resurrection of Christ, and our salvation, was brought about by nothing less than divine power. What will we say of those who think that conversion is accomplished by the free will of man and is due to his own kindly disposition? When we begin to see the dead rise from the grave by their own power, then may we expect to see ungodly sinners turning to Christ by their own endeavors. It is not the word preached, nor the word read in itself; all quickening power proceeds from the Holy Spirit.

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Be Divinely Sustained

by Cameron Buettel

Many people watch the Olympics but very few ever participate. To compete on the world stage at that level requires huge sacrifices—a micromanaged diet, rigorous exercise, and avoiding activities that bring any risk of injury.

I’ve wondered what my chances would be if I gave up the burgers and soda, submitted to the tutelage of personal trainers and fitness gurus, and spent my life quarantined from health hazards. Truth is, even if I made all those sacrifices, Olympic athletes would still leave me in the dust. I might be able to replicate their daily regimen, but I can’t possibly replicate their raw athletic ability.

Throughout this series we’ve looked at the secret to true contentment as described in Philippians 4:10–14. And all the elements we’ve examined so far involve choices that we can make: choosing to trust God’s providence when we see no provision, to be satisfied when we don’t have much, to be unswayed by circumstances that seem intimidating, and to be preoccupied by the needs of others.

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Rough Seas

They are troubled like the sea that cannot be quiet.

Jeremiah 49:23

We are unaware of what sorrow may be upon the sea at this moment. We are safe in our quiet room, but far away out to sea the hurricane may be cruelly seeking the lives of men. Imagine the bitter winds howling through the rigging, the timbers heaving as the waves beat like battering rams upon the boat! God help you, poor drenched and wearied ones! I am praying to the great Lord of sea and land, that He will make the storm calm and bring you to your desired haven! I ought not simply to pray; I should try to help those brave men who risk their lives so constantly. Have I ever done anything for them? What can I do? How often does the boisterous sea swallow up the sailor!

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The Reach of Almighty Grace

It shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God. (Hosea 1:10)

Sovereign grace can make strangers into sons, and the Lord here declares His purpose to deal thus with rebels and make them know what He has done. Beloved reader, the Lord has done this in my case; has He done the like for you? Then let us join hands and hearts in praising His adorable name.

Some of us were so decidedly ungodly that the Lord’s Word most truly said to our conscience and heart, “Ye are not my people.” In the house of God and in our own homes, when we read the Bible, this was the voice of God’s Spirit in our soul, “Ye are not my people.” Truly a sad, condemning voice it was. But now, in the same places, from the same ministry and Scripture, we hear a voice, which saith, “Ye are the sons of the living God.” Can we be grateful enough for this? Is it not wonderful? Does it not give us hope for others? Who is beyond the reach of almighty grace? How can we despair of any, since the Lord has wrought so marvelous a change in us?

He who has kept this one great promise will keep every other; wherefore, let us go forward with songs of adoration and confidence.

Charles H. Spurgeon